
FODS Trackout Control VS. Traditional Trackout Control Webinar - March 31st, 10:00-11:00am CST

FODS Webinar Registration - Learn more about FODS and how they can help with sediment control and prevent you from having to clean the roads surrounding jobsites as much. Presentation by Chloe Moretz from FODS and our very own Mark Stirnaman, Ed Nelson and Adam Litteken.

FODS Trackout Control Mat System offers a unique design to effectively remove mud and other debris from vehicle tires. FODS will not damage the ground’s surface. These durable mats are environmentally friendly and are reusable and recyclable. The weight and ease of set-up are huge advantages of FODS versus traditional trackout control. To save time and money on labor costs, FODS can be set up in less than 30 minutes and require little to no maintenance.

Join us for this informational webinar! Attendees receive a Professional Development Hour Certificate.

FODS Trackout Control Mat Systems